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Point to Note:
After logging in, you may turn on automatic forwarding of your emails to your other preferred email addresses. If you are a Master School Administrator, you may also forward your emails to Delegated School Administrators (DSA(T) and DSA(A)). If the DSA(T) or DSA(A) is no longer working for the school, please stop the automatic forwarding as soon as possible to avoid unintended disclosure of information. Please click here for the set up procedures.
登入後,你可開啟自動轉寄電郵到你常用的電郵地址,如你是學校行政主戶,你亦可將電郵轉寄給委任戶口 (DSA(T) 和 DSA(A))。如 DSA(T) 或 DSA(A) 已不在貴校工作,請儘快停止自動轉寄,以防止非預期資料外洩。請按此了解設定方法。
After logging in, you may turn on automatic forwarding of your emails to your other preferred email addresses. If you are a Master School Administrator, you may also forward your emails to Delegated School Administrators (DSA(T) and DSA(A)). If the DSA(T) or DSA(A) is no longer working for the school, please stop the automatic forwarding as soon as possible to avoid unintended disclosure of information. Please click here for the set up procedures.
登入後,你可開啟自動轉寄電郵到你常用的電郵地址,如你是學校行政主戶,你亦可將電郵轉寄給委任戶口 (DSA(T) 和 DSA(A))。如 DSA(T) 或 DSA(A) 已不在貴校工作,請儘快停止自動轉寄,以防止非預期資料外洩。請按此了解設定方法。